Project information

  • Category: API Development
  • Project date: 27 Nov, 2023
  • Project URL: TODO API

Key Features:

Developed a robust TODO API leveraging Django Rest Framework and PostgreSQL , enabling users to seamlessly register with a unique username and password. Implemented secure authentication through security token features, facilitating secure login processes. The API further supports the creation of tasks with an initial false status, allowing users to mark them as complete upon task completion and then Deploy using Docker.

  • Python: Primary programming language chosen for its simplicity, readability, and vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks.
  • Django: A high-level Python web framework renowned for its scalability, security features, and rapid development capabilities.
  • Django Rest Framework (DRF): Built on top of Django, DRF provides powerful tools for building RESTful APIs, simplifying the creation of web services.
  • PostgreSQL: A robust open-source relational database management system known for its reliability, extensibility, and support for complex queries and transactions.
  • JWT (JSON Web): A standard for securely transmitting information between parties as JSON objects, commonly used for authentication and authorization in web applications.
  • Docker: Containerization platform that simplifies the deployment and management of applications by packaging them into portable containers, ensuring consistency across different environments.
  • Docker Compose: Tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications, enabling seamless configuration and orchestration of complex application architectures.